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2015.5.30&31 “tricolorのCD発売記念コンサート”開催決定! 詳細はこちら
2年ぶり、4枚目のアルバム [2015.3.15 ON SALE]
tricolor 旅にまつわる物語
1. 5 steps
2. trip note
3. Letter From Barcelona
4. A West Ocean Waltz
5. The Accursed Kerryman
6. Will You Come Home?
7. Bridget Cruise
8. First Pint
9. Railway Polka
10. August to August
11. last autumn
12. はなむけの詩 視聴はこちら
Recorded & Mixed & Mastered by 田辺玄(WATER WATER CAMEL)
Recorded at 八ヶ岳 星と虹スタジオ
Illustration by 小池アミイゴ
Cover & Book & Label designed by 長尾晃司
Produced by office plus one color